Member-only story
If you write a great script…
…Hollywood will find you.
Sale. Option. Representation. Writing sample. Writing assignments. Any/all of the above.
This is not a pipe dream or fantasy. This statement does not involve unicorns, leprechauns, or magic pixie dust.
This is the damn truth.
If you write a great script, Hollywood will find you.
How do I know this?
Because it happens dozens of times each year, emails I receive from GITS followers sharing their good news with me.
Because hundreds of scripts that do not sell result in writers landing a manager and/or agent and busting into Hollywood to write movie and TV projects, thus, beginning screenwriting careers.
Because Hollywood is always seeking new writers, new voices, new blood.
But mostly because there is not an agent, manager, producer or studio exec with whom I have ever talked who has said anything different. [As an example, check out this interview with manager Dan Halsted and scroll all the way down to the bottom.]
All of them are looking for great stories. All of them are hoping for a great script. All of them are searching for great talent.