Scott Myers
Aug 11, 2022


James, that’s the thing. People want to reduce screenwriting to formula. This paradigm or that paradigm.

There is Aristotle. Beginning. Middle. End.

Three Act Structure.

There is J. Campbell. Hero’s Journey.

A Protagonist has an adventure.

There is C. Jung. Become who you are.

The Protagonist’s outer journey is really an inner journey.

That’s it. That’s the essence of storytelling.

Yes, a screenplay is a unique story form. And it is about finding the structure. But none of it matters unless the writer engages the characters in a deep and meaningful way.

And if they DO that, I am confident the story structure will emerge from that process.

Character. Character. Character.

Immerse yourself in the lives of your characters and that leads to…

Plot. Plot. Plot.

End of sermon!



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