Jerry, it may help you to think of want as your Protagonist’s conscious goal: what is the specific goal they have in mind to accomplish by the end of Act One? I presume it is to win some sort of championship. Now think of the need as the Protagonist’s unconscious goal: what lies within their psyche which must emerge into consciousness? Why do they NEED to go on THIS journey? What is the MEANING of winning the championship? It reads like it has something to do with the son’s father. I would encourage you to explore that and the complexity of that dynamic. I’ll bet there are multiple layers to the son’s motivation. For example, does the son feel guilt about something, so in winning the Big Game and giving his father a championship, he believes he will overcome his guilt. Is the son’s goal of winning the championship on behalf of his father a selfless act? If so, why? What about the son’s own dreams?
Keep asking that question: What does my Protagonist need? What is their deepest need? What is their unconscious goal? Keep digging into the layers of human motivation for this goal to understand the nuances of what’s going on psychologically with the Protagonist. Ideally, you will find that deepest need of all that will be addressed through the conclusion of the Plotline.
Good luck!