This is an interesting script in that it starts off in a pretty conventional manner, at least in terms of story structure and the reluctant 'hero' forced to go on a journey, but there are some choices which don't slot into what a mainstream movie's event/page count would typically be.
For example, Ruben doesn't officially settle into the new world (the deaf camp) until after 40. A script reader trained on a certain how to book would ding if for not moving the story along by 25.
As it turns out, this is a more nuanced, character driven story. There are no clear resolutions, characters try to overcome negative instincts, but often lapse back into old habits. Indeed, the subplot about Ruben getting ocular implants takes a surprising twist at the story's end. It's not a happy ending, however, I would argue that Ruben does evolve to a place where freed from the metaphorical 'noise' of his life, he can begin the long journey to find his new self.
I look forward to unpack more of this story. I found it compelling. How about you?